Thursday, April 28, 2011

kick, kick, kick

I can NOT believe Hayden is big enough to play with this toy :) It certainly was a crowd pleaser when Logan was little!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Rock, Paper, Scissors -- SHOOT!

Hayden vs. Uncle Victor

Round 1:
Paper beats Rock -- Boo!
 Round 2:
Rock beats scissors -- YAY!
 Round 3:
Rock beats scissors again -- YAY!
 And the winner is.......
YAY! I win!!

Buona Pasqua

This Easter, Hayden learned to be cute, Logan learned to hunt for eggs...And I learned to match the boys and coordinate the family outfits!

Good Friday: Good Friday is always a big event with the Lombardi family. It was especially special this year because it was the first time my family got to meet Hayden and it was only Logan's second Easter, and the first year he could really get into the family Egg Hunt. Logan LOVED hanging out with his Uncles (6, 10, 17 and 26!)! We enjoyed seeing Gma (my mom), Nonna (my grandmother) and the rest of the family (Aunts, Uncles, cousins, etc).
Getting ready for the Egg Hunt

Logan's first conquest,.. the BIG EGG!

Gma helped Hayden

"I see it! I see it!"

"I got it!"


Logan's first chocolate Easter bunny!

He ate the WHOLE thing, minus this one bite

Four Generations
Saturday: Saturday we had big plans to take the boys to Storybook Land!!! We planned to meet Sarah and BJ (Steve's sister and brother-in-law) and their 2 kids, Myles and Adam there to play all day. The weather had a different plan for us. We tried to walk the boardwalk instead but even that was unpleasant because of the cold, wet weather. We ended up have a fun lunch at Rainforest Cafe followed by a visit to the hotel pool. Everyone, even Hayden, had a great time swimming and hanging out!

Easter Sunday: Did you know that the Easter Bunny stops at hotels?!?!??! Logan found out this morning that he does. He woke up this morning to an Easter basket and eggs all over the room. After a quick egg hunt, Logan played with his new toys while mom and dad had their Easter gift,...another hour of sleep :) Logan and Hayden were the luckiest boys this Easter because after our egg hunt at the hotel, the Easter Bunny had also stopped at Nonna's house and the had a second hunt with their Uncles.
After the egg hunt we continued on the GG Bunny's house for lunch with Poppop, GG Bunny and Uncle Craig, Laurie, and her kids. Again, this was great because they had not yet met Hayden. ((Pictures to come once we teach GG how to get them off her camera))


Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Easter Bunny Came Early

Today we had a Brunch and an Easter Egg Hunt with our friends! Logan was a natural at finding eggs.

Kateri, Makkenna, Logan, Grace, Hayden, James, Andy and Rayne!

It seemed like a good idea...

and they call him Mini-Me

Logan is Mommy's Mini-Me

Hayden is Daddy's Mini-Me

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Family road trip

We took a quick trip from VA to CT to celebrate Piper's 1st Birthday. Steve loves long car rides (me, not so much). Highlights included a stop at the library this morning with the boys and Logan and Hayden hanging out with Steve and his friends. We had a great trip.
Happy Birthday Piper!

Hanging out at Bethel Library (the library that steve went to as a kid)

Reading Peter Rabbit is fun when you can hold Peter Rabbit

Just the boys hanging out at Piper's party

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

2 month update.. 12 lbs, 10 oz

We had our 2 month appointment yesterday. Mommy Milk - 2, Skinny Baby - 0!

Logan was 8lbs 11oz at birth
10lbs 5oz at one month
13.0 at two months

Hayden doesn't want to be left behind!!!!
He was 7lbs 14oz at birth
10lbs 2oz at one month
and....12lbs 10oz at two months (and 23 inches long)

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Logan's first time changing a diaper: FAIL.

Logan's first time changing a diaper: FAIL. He wanted to do it so I let him sit in front of Hayden. He pulled off the diaper tabs, opened the diaper, wipe in hand and then he saw the poop. He tossed the wipe and ran away crying "ewww". Wish I could do that when I change his diaper.

2 months!!!

Enjoy this month's pictures! I did. 
***I need your help! If you are reading this blog, I want you to help me pick which "Brother" picture I should use for this month. Please leave a message in the comments to tell me which you like best***



The best part of movies are the out-takes. Here are the out-takes for this month's pictures. Picture taking isn't always All Smiles... for the boys anyway.

After this face I replied, "Oh honey, you better get used to this. This is only month two. We have lots to go!"

Monday, April 4, 2011

I "heart" My Earth... and My Boys!

Hayden's "Blue Steel" Face

A weekend [cough, cough, sniffle, sniffle] with Uncle Deano

Two weekends ago, Uncle Victor and Uncle Dean went up to Boston to visit colleges for Dean. While they drove the many, many hours up north, we decided to make a quick trip to Media to see the other Uncles and grand parents.

Watching Uncle Lee's Lacrosse Game


And then, this past weekend, Uncle Dean came to VA to do a tour of the Virginia/DC schools. We were all going to pile in the Swagger Wagon for another family trip. The plan. Leave Thursday AM to see UVA and Washington & Lee on the way to VTech. Sleep over and see VTech Friday AM before cutting the state to got to Williamsburg. Wake up Saturday AM and see William & Mary and tour Williamsburg before coming home to Springfield. 

What happened: Logan got a fever on Wednesday night that continued Thursday and Friday between 101-105. Instead of us all traveling, B-I-L Steve and Dean went on two day trips to see all the schools alone (Thursday - UVA and William and Mary, Friday -Washington & Lee and Tech). Then Saturday AM we all went to DC to see Georgetown. 

In the end, it was a great experience for Dean, but sick or not, my boys LOVED their time with their Uncle!!!

And in the end,.... the slept happily ever after!

Shortly after Dean left to go home,
both the boys fell asleep on me!