Sunday, June 30, 2013

Logan's MoNStEr Birthday Party

Logan has been super excited for his Monster Birthday party. For months he has been talking about it. Even though his birthday was on the 19th, we planned his party for the 30th in hopes that the extra time would give me a chance to join the party and feel up to it with the baby. I have been feeling great, and Owen was all smiles.

The date finally came, and we all had a great time! Check out all the Monster fun!

Friday, June 28, 2013

S'more Owen...

Just a few (ok, more than a few) pics to share of Cutie Owen and his big bros. While Logan's summer camp ended the week after Owen was born, Hayden's daycare was covered through today. This was a nice transition for me and Steve and Owen. Week 1 at home, was just Owen and I. Week 2 and 3 was with Logan too. And starting Monday, it will be all three of us. For that reason, I have had more opportunities for pics with Logan and Owen, but just you wait,... Hayden's pics will be coming soon too! (i hope) - also, fun fact. I don't have ANY pics of Steve and Owen (ok, 1! the minute he was born). and very few with me. This will need to be fixed soon too! I guess we are just not cute enough..

New evening plan... Steve has been putting the big boys to bed while i make us dinner. We even have gotten lucky on occasion and Owen slept while we had our date with a glass of wine too - its actually quite a nice end to our hectic days

99% of the time this kid is happy, eating or sleeping. Here's a funny 1% shot :)

3 weeks

Our first Summer Concert 

Owen likes to just "hang out" in the carrier. Mr. Cool

Despite Logan's pout in this pic, he is a big help. This was my attempt to make dinner for the boys while Owen cried.

Morning snuggling

Owen's first day in 0-3 big boy clothes! 

Monday, June 24, 2013

The new (and improved??) Logan and Hayden

Steve's take on hairstyles for the boys includes buzz-cutting the boys heads with clippers at home. I have a different take. For me, they are growing out long luscious locks of love that will never be cut, only styled at the hair salon where I would get my hair cut if i was willing to pay for me (but will pay for them). Compromise: I took Logan to The Barber Shop for a professional summer cut. Sad/Happy to report that I liked Logan's new look so much that I took Hayden back an hour later for a cut too!





Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Logan is 4!

How it all began! We'd never be celebrating 2 week's of Owen without out starting it all with Logan 4 years ago!!! 4 years ago, Steve and I were two young, excited newly weds (hadn't even had our first anniversary - this year is our 5th) about to embark on a crazy journey called parenthood. What happened on June 19, 2008 was a miracle. Our little party of two turned to a FAMILY. We welcomed Logan with love and have loved him every day since. This year, on June 19th, we celebrate another crazy wonderful year with out little Logan.

Logan is a terrific kid! He has a huge heart and loves kisses and hugs. He's wild and crazy and reserves fear for only a few instances. He tests limits (in both a good and bad way). He's really smart. He loves to learn to read. He loves to learn period. His memory is unbelievable and his questions are beyond thoughtful. He's far from always well-behaved, but he sure does try his best and for all his craziness we love him more than we could have expected! He was the start of our not-so-little family and for that its great to have Owen here to celebrate his 4th Birthday!

Logan's "official" birthday party will be Monster themed, so his "actual" birthday celebration was a monster test run. From the Monster Cake to his re-decorated bathroom (thanks Gma) in Monster theme, we had a "roarsome" celebration. This year I also changed up the Feinman birthday tradition. Instead of the usual streamers from bed to kitchen, I am starting a Birthday Web to keep the birthday boy inside... it was pretty fun/funny. After checking out the new bathroom decor, all roads still led to a yummy birthday breakfast! 

A few years ago I came across a homevideo of my 4th birthday party at Chuck E Cheese. I decided to repeat the "tradition" and take Logan to Chuck E Cheese too for his 4th Birthday. We have a party planned at the end of the month (planned late since Owen was expected sometime in mid-June), but we were fortunate to have some of Logan's friends join us for playing and cake to celebrate on his birthday! 

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

2 weeks of Baby Owen

The biggest Cliche of all should be that "Cliches are cliches for a reason",... BUT its so true!
"Boy the time flies"
"They grow so fast"
"Enjoy it, they grow up right before your eyes"
These are all things i've heard and said with each boy, and yet even on #3, I still can't believe how true it is!

Owen was born a little early, on June 4th. A mix of his early arrive (just a few days early) and a mis-match between my blood and Owen's, he spent a few days under the Billi-lights. After a few days of treatment, he tested great and was ready to go home! We went home on Saturday. At home was Gma (my mom), Poppop (my dad), Nonna (my grandmother) and Logan and Hayden.

We were greeted with fun Welcome Decor for Owen and hugs and kissed from the big brothers. Gma and Poppop stayed for one more night, and headed home. Nonna stayed for another week. Her stay, which included lots of food, ended on father's day, and a visit from Uncle Dean and Uncle Mark.

ONE Week

By two week's Owen was already out into the world and after a successful 2 week doctor's visit, he was back to birth weight. He even made daddy a Father's Day present with L O V E!

As for Logan, Hayden and Owen - they are already the Three Musketeers!

First family  outing at 1 week old

Snuggle Time

Helping hands