Sunday, May 27, 2012

Meet the newest FONZ

We've enjoyed a membership to the DC Aquarium over the past year, and now we've decided to try the ZOO!
We started off with a checklist of the animals we hoped to see. Logan really got into using the checklist!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Hats off to Logan!

I thought my graduation was something to write about (haha, everything on a blog is something to write about), but Logan's graduation takes the cake!

The Child Appreciation Service included songs from all the classes. Logan saranaded the crowds singing, If you're Happy and you Know it....

Clap your hands

Stomp your feet

Shout Hooray

Congratulations Logan! On to 3 year old class!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Hats Off to Me!

In 2007 I embarked on a new Journey. I registered for my first Graduate Level class. In that year, Steve proposed. In 2008, we got married and bought our home. In 2009, Logan was born. In 2010, I got pregnant again and in 2011, we had Hayden. Now, in just May of 2012, Logan is almost 3, Hayden is over 1 year, I teach part-time, and fulfill my other full-time job as mom. AND yesterday, I walked across the stage at George Mason University and completed my graduate program earning my Master's in Education!

I'm not usually one to brag, but I'm feeling quite accomplished by this! And I was even more excited by having my family, my parents, my brothers and my grandmother, here from PA to celebrate! Another memorable part was being able to share my dad with my supportive husband and two boys! Thanks to Steve's help these years, I was able to pull this off. So in the words of my friend Amanda, Hats Off to Rachael!!!!

And yes, to each great celebration come,... well, a great celebration! After enjoying the day with my family, we were joined in the festivities by my friends! I certainly do have some great friends. Thank you to all of you who made it out, and those who couldn't, I wish you were there!

To celebrate, Amanda through a soiree celebrating "All the Hats I wear", by everyone wearing hats. Lots of fun!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day with my boys!

Today we celebrated Mother's Day together with my hubby and baby boys!
We started the day keeping with our Mother's Day tradition of pictures of the boys, and a long drive to the middle of no where :) This year, that was the Virginia Renaissance Faire. After the Faire, we went to Lake Anna and walked the beach. Beautiful Day with my Beautiful boys!

Click here to see last year's pictures.

Happy Mother's Day to MY MOM, Nonna and Mommom! I'm lucky to have such great mother's in my life too!

Funny Story! Out of the blue, Hayden stopped walking and decided to stand, head down, ostrich style in the middle of the faire. Look at the audience he collected - hahah!

Logan's quite a natural with a sword... but quickly learned what happens if you don't listen to mom and dad :)

I <3 pictures with old red barns. Made Steve pull over to take some pictures. Too bad Hayden was asleep in the care.


Saturday, May 12, 2012

One fish, Two fish

Logan and Hayden are New fish....
Today we took the boys to their first swim lessons.
Hayden is signed up for a Baby and Me class. Today did NOT go well :) Hayden's been sick all week, and so when we hit the cold, wet water, he wasn't having it. We still got lots of cute, crying Hayden pictures.

Then, came Logan's class. At just a month shy of 3, Logan is registered for the Solo class. It was super cute seeing him hanging out in a class, in the pool without mommy or daddy. He definitely took some time to get used to being alone, but by the end he was swimming like a fish.
We are all excited for next week's classes!!!

****and yes, the boys ARE wearing matching bathing suits :) ****