Thursday, July 28, 2011

Proud mom of the Future President!

"Captain Jack Sparrows Mistresses"

"What do you think? Should we go to war?"

"Hayden's the secret love child of the Kennedy's"

"Nice to meet you Mr. President and Hilary"

Even though I'm not an Obabma fan, it would still be cool to meet the President of the United States

"You! You listen to me"

"Proud mom of the future President"

"Proud mom of a husband and son at a Brittany Spears strip club?????"

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Bienvenu! et Au Revoir! July 2011

July was like a blink of an eye! On July 6th, we met the 15 French students at the airport. The next three weeks were a blur of trips to DC, the Beach, Udzar-Hazy Center, Outlet shopping, Luray Caverns, etc, etc. And as fast as it happened, it was already time to say goodbye... but have no fear, the August group will soon be here!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Woof Woof Logan

Too funny not to share! No words. Just laughs!

Ambulance ride and 4 stitches...

The July French kids have kept me busy as well as the trip to the hospital, oh yes, Hospital! For stitches! For Logan!

No great story,... just a normal BOY running around inside after being told not to. Logan tripped and smashed into a bookcase. As we learned, head cuts bleed, A LOT!, but in the end, Logan is fine! Too bad he couldn't enjoy his time in the ambulance!

I'm sure this is the first of many.
Then, Logan tried to ride the escalator alone, attempted to ride the elevator alone and ran away from us through a parking garage like high speed chase... all while at the hospital getting his stitches removed. We should probably just rent a room there because something tells me we will be there a lot!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Yum! Yum! Yum!

I've noticed for a while that Hayden is very interested when we eat. And now, at 5 months old, I could resist trying to feed him some Rice Cereal. Tonight before bath I decided to try,... well, Logan did, that is!

I made up a bowl of cereal and Logan took over. He fed Hayden THE WHOLE THING! He wouldn't let me do it, so I just let him feed him. HOW COOL WILL THIS BE IF IT LASTS! Here's to hoping that Logan continues to want to feed Hayden for me, AND that Hayden continues to love to eat as much as he did tonight for the first time!!!!

Check out the open mouth! He knew EXACTLY what to do :)

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Happy 5 MONTHS Hayden!!

[Insert the must-say, "wow, I can't believe how fast the times flies" comment]
Hayden is 5 months old already!!!!

Picking Blueberries

Saturday we woke up with nothing to do,.... and ended going Blueberry Picking. We went with my friend Keisha (her mom, mom's friend, and her two boys, Blaine and Robert), Emma (our visiting French girl) and Logan and Hayden. So much fun! Blaine and Logan had the best time, hands down!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Brothers and Friends!!!

In 2007, when I started my Master's Program, I was lucky enough to meet my friend Jessica. Over the past few years we have shared classes, papers, language, wedding, and 4 babies! Logan and her first son are just 3 months apart and Hayden and her second are 4 months apart. I am fortunate to have Jessica as my friend and I can only hope that Logan and Hayden can have the same friendship in their new friends..... so far they have.

Logan (3 months) and Dillon (3 weeks)
Connor (3 weeks) and Hayden (4 months)
The 4 boys! 
"Watching fireworks with my buddy"

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th!

We enjoyed a wonderful Independence Day weekend!

Our weekend started with a trip to Baltimore to visit our friends and their new baby. Hayden got to have his first date :) while Logan and Steve got to swim!

Then we left Baltimore and headed to DC where we went to the DC United vs. Philadelphia Union Soccer game. It was great watching Logan at the game. He actually followed the game. It was incredible to see him follow the ball and cheer with the fans! The game was an unexpected last minute plan, and so was my dad's visit. When we found out about getting tickets for the game, we invited my dad, poppop to join us. He did.

Family Fun day! Sunday we woke up and took Poppop to see our new favorite summer hangout, the Sprayground. As usual, everyone had a blast! While poppop napped a little in the sun, Logan played hard to ensure that he would also nap later :) And he did!

After lunch and nap, Poppop and Logan played out back, swung on the swingset, played baseball,... got eaten by mosquitos :/ while I prepped and cleaned for the next days festivities.

Monday: HAPPY 4th!!
Monday morning we went to the Lorton Parade, napped (well the boys did), and then welcomed our friends for 4th of July Shish Kabob BBQ and Pool Party!
Overall, we had a great time celebrating Hayden's First 4th!!!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Boy, has parenting changed through the years....

I love this video! First you'll see Hayden hanging out on his playmat, kicking and hitting the mobile,..simple and happy. Then you'll see logan, equally happy, but not so simple. He's playing with his (the family) Ipad,.. and really, truly playing. Notice him repeating and even hitting the word again to hear it again before making his selection. Wow! Things have come a long way from when a wash cloth was enough to keep me occupied :)

And a little of Logan showing off.....

"The Doctor is Human you know"

Tuesday I was scheduled for my "big" surgery, my gallbladder surgery. I decided that this was the best week because it is the ONLY week with nothing planned, and not working, for like A YEAR! Despite my best efforts and planning, the Doctor, as the office put it, "is human"and was sick and canceled surgeries for the week. I have rescheduled for July 26 (My 3rd Anniversary - how romantic) and took advantage of a free week - and hit the BEACH!

We enjoyed a quick 3 day, 2 night trip to Bethany Beach. Sadly, Logan was pretty sick on Tuesday, but we still went hoping he'd feel better, and planning to hang in if he still didn't. Fortunately, he did feel better and we got to do lots of fun stuff. From Pool to Bay to Dinner and Golf, we did it all!