Friday, November 25, 2011

A few days with Grandma and Grandpa

Grandma and Grandpa (Steve's parents) came to visit for Thanksgiving. While here, the boys got to play a lot outside since the weather was so nice. And then we spend the day after Thanksgiving in ICE!

The Gaylord Hotel hosts an incredible exhibit of ICE each year. Last year the theme was the Grinch. Logan still sleeps with a grinch stuffed animal and reads the book with me. This year's theme is Merry Madagascar. Everyone had a wonderful time and I hope that this is one of many family traditions we've started!

Logan's new sport - a "basoccar ball" (baseball/soccer mix)

From ICE! Merry Madagascar!

Before entering, you watch a 10 minute "making of" movie

Being 9 degrees, you kind of need to bundle up!

Logan had to do the slide on his own.. and he loved it!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Turkey Day

This year we decided to stay in Virginia for the first time for Thanksgiving. Steve's parents came to celebrate with us. Even though I host T-Day dinner every year for 15-30 of my friends, this was still an exciting year to cook a full dinner for my family. From trimmings to turkey, it all turned out great! Even the boys thought so!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

A very Uncooperative 9 month Check up :)

A little late, but we finally had Hayden's 9 month check up at 9.5 months.....drum roll...........
20.15 pounds
28.5 inches long
50th percentile in all areas

But one thing that was for sure, Hayden didn't want to cooperate :), but he sure was cute!

Monday, November 21, 2011

A Christmas tree... Before Thanksgiving :)

We had some free time the Sunday before Thanksgiving, sooooo we went for an early start to our Christmas by putting up our tree. The boys both loved it!
Look Hayden, a tree, IN THE HOUSE!

This is funny!

Oooo, a TREE!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Thanksgiving with Friends

 It's a tradition, the Saturday before Thanksgiving, I host a Pre-Thanksgiving Thanksgiving. It started in college (With Angela!!!) when all of us would go home for the holidays and never get to spend a holiday together. Each year the guest list has changed. Back them it was all 8 roommates who each could bring 2 guests (24 people). Then when I graduated it was other friends, and when i met Steve it was half his friends, half mine. Now, for the past three years, its been friends and friends with kids. Yesterday we had 6 families, 10 kids, lots of sides and one big Butterball (oh and a turkey too).

I'm thankful for my friends, new and old, and I'm thankful for my beautiful boys who have given me so much including these new friends!

Happy Almost Thanksgiving!

My Butterball with the Turkey

The Anatomy of a Turkey

Logan set the kid's table

Can you find the mommy??

The kid's table..Yum

and lastly, Grace and Logan's private dessert data

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Going Once, Going Twice, Sold!

In September, I became the chair of the Parent Advisory Council (same as a PTA) at Logan's Preschool, and since September we have been working on our Big Fundraiser, the 30th Birthday Bash: Dinner and Auction.

It all came together last night with a mix of delicious food, great company, tons of great items for auction and just a lot of fun!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Preschool Thanksgiving Feast!

I was lucky enough today to have Photography duty for Logan's preschool's Thanksgiving Feast. Naturally, the school will have extra pictures of this extra cute feaster!
The Class Table 
You know what will be on our thanksgiving table

Logan's M/W/F class

Working up an appetite with the annual Turkey Wobble Wobble

Blessing the food..


And now we EAT!