Friday, June 22, 2012

Caillou invites you to Logan's 3rd Birthday Party!

After a fun-filled day celebrating Logan's actual birthday, I geared up for his "simple playgroup" birthday party... AKA, big Caillou bash. 

So i ask you, what can you do in 2 hours with a kid that Loves Caillou? 
We started with games outside Bean bag tops, ring toss, paddles and gallons, bounce house, flip-kick-game and coloring). 
We circled up for a song with the parachute then lined up to go inside. 
We watched an episode of Caillou (Caillou the Chef).
We made pizzas just like Caillou did with his friends.
We watched a second episode (Caillou's Marching Band).
We made instruments for our marching band.
We lined up and had a performed for the moms.
We sang happy birthday.
We ATE our pizzas.
We played.

That's what you CAN do in 2 hours with a kid that loves Caillou! Happy 3rd Birthday Logan!


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Logan's 3; Part 2

We celebrated Logan's birthday morning with the traditional birthday breakfast. We followed our ceremonial cake with a trip to DC to the Zoo by request of the birthday boy. We had a great time. Logan circled all the animals off his Birthday edition of Zoo finder and Logan and Hayden loved the new Amazon exhibit that we discovered. Happy Birthday Logan!

After a busy day at the zoo, we stopped at the pool for a quick dip and ended the night with ice cream cake and cupcakes with our neighbor. 

Great first day for the start of Logan's TERRIFIC 3's! 

wow! 3 years can sure fly by! Happy 3rd Birthday Logan!

June 19, 2009! That was the day we met Logan Jeffrey Nichols. Today, June 19, 2012 we celebrated Logan's 3rd Birthday!
Happy 3rd Birthday Logan!

The preparations began the night before when Mommy decorated and Daddy put on the training wheels to Logan's 1st Big Boy Bike thanks to Gma and Poppop! This year's decorations were selected by the Birthday Boy himself. At the store he told me, "I Neeeed this",.... so i HAD to get it for his birthday breakfast celebration! Coincidentally, when we asked Logan what he wanted to do for his birthday, he told us he wanted to go to the Zoo... so you'll see a whole Animal theme this birthday.... and to the Zoo we did go!

Keep in the Feinman Birthday tradition, I of course ran the streamers from Logan's bedroom to his Morning Birthday Party. Just as we were read to celebrate... Bam! My camera battery went out!!! All the Birthday morning pics were taken with my cell phone. Thank goodness for Camera Phones :)

But when the time came, and Logan was ready to see his stuff, he surely was surprised and happy! We had a great morning!

Now off to the Zoo we go!