Sunday, January 29, 2012

Birthday Doubleheader

January/February is a big birthday time around here....
Lots of family with birthday,.. and lots of friends. Yesterday, we had a Birthday Party Doubleheader! LOTS of fun to be had by all!

The first was for Grace (who will be 3 next week) and James (who just turned 1!). For this party, we followed the yellow brick road, and went somewhere over the rainbow to this Wizard of Oz Celebration. Momma, and friend, Tricia did a wonderful job. She had every detail covered, from the Pin the Heart on the Tin Man, to the Hot Air Balloon Picture spot, to the farm play area and Coloring Castle. This party had it all and we were so happy to be there to celebrate! (I was solo with two so i didn't have hands free to get too many pictures)

(and James)rt

Birthday Girl

Hayden and James playing with bubbles
Then, we left the Wonderful Lady of OZ and headed to the Pineapple Under the Sea....with Robert (who turned 2) and SpongeBob @ MY GYM! There, my boys got the 5th wind and played and played their hearts out. Running, jumping, sliding and swinging, they did it all!

Great day celebrating ... so on the count of 3!
3 (Grace's 3rd Birthday)
2 (Robert's 2nd Birthday)
1 (James' 1st Birthday)

Friday, January 27, 2012

Say Cheese...

Logan should be all smiles from now on because today he went to the Dentist for the first time and his teeth are perfect!
Both Hayden and Logan were AWFUL in the waiting room! I mean awful. They got into every toy, they ran away (BOTH of them) and snuck into room. They were just a big mess. BUT as bad as Logan was, he was equally MARVELOUS when it came time to get onto the Dentist chair. I dare say, he even LIKED it. He sat like a big boy and let them clean and count. He didn't even flinch with the electric tooth brush or water sucker. A-mazing!
Overall we all survived, and plan to do it again in 6 months... Even Hayden :)

How can you not love the dentist will all these toys

Destination Smile : Highly recommend for Kids

Add caption

Sunglasses required for a trip to the dentist, right?

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Just a little cuteness since its been a while

Tonight, the boys got themselves into a very cute situation and we got it on camera. Enjoy!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Sugar & Spice and everything Nice!

Today, we celebrated the upcoming births of two baby girls coming soon to the families of two friends, Hannon (end of the month) and Amanda (February). Both Hannon and Amanda have toddler boys, friends with Logan and are looking forward to a little pink! We are all so happy for them and celebrate little with the theme: Sugar & Spice and everything Nice!

Today's party colors, pink and brown, set the background for a beautiful spread. We enjoyed lots of Sweets (cupcakes, candy buffet, milkshakes, soda)....and a little Spice (Orange Spice Iced-tea. chips and salsa, cheese and sausage dip and guacamole).

Even our games had a little Sugar (rocking out to songs with Sugar in the title) and Spice (10 Spicy questions - asked to and answered by Mommas and HUSBANDS).....and all the gifts were very very Nice!

Terrific Party with only one MAJOR mistake.... NO PICTURES of the mommas! Oh no! I'm sorry!


Friday, January 13, 2012

sleepover update

still no sleep!


The boys did stay up giggling till 11:00 BUT, they stayed in their spots and just talked and giggled like teenage girls. Finally at 11:00, they fell asleep and slept soundly all night!

Now the real fun begins. I'm heading out for work, and Steve will be getting the 3 boys up and ready for school. haha!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Our 1st Sleepover

Tonight, Logan's friend Blaine spent the night.... After running circles, screaming and giggling, we put the two boys to bed, and they both laid down and appear to be staying in bed..... Hopefully that will last alllllllllll night!
Either way, pretty cute!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

snip, snip

I got the parent-of-the-year award Friday when Logan's teacher pulled me aside and told me it was time to get his hair cut :( She said they've been pinning it up in a barrette to keep it out of his eyes during the day but the other teachers were making fun of him so they stopped.

Sadly, we took a trip to the Barber Shop.
Good news: Logan is cute no matter what
Bad news: Logan's hair is all gone

He couldn't get in fast enough

Good boy!

And the new do

Monday, January 2, 2012

2012 - Day 1: Success!

Facebook was filled on January 1 with people professing their ambitious New Year's resolutions and telling all their January 1 fortunes, announcing how wonderful "this year has been", all 10 hours of it. In corny, New Year's fashion, i will do the same:

January 1, 2012 was a super day! I hope all of 2012 is as good!
Our day started around 10! You got it...the entire Nichols crew was still sound asleep at 10am. Now for some of us (me and Logan), this was expected since we stayed up till midnight. Steve on the other hand, who went to bed at 10:00, has no excuse. All the same, we were all pleasantly rested for the first day of the year.

Just as I started to wake, I heard Steve tip-toeing away from my side of the bed, where he cleverly presented all of my Christmas presents. Yes, Christmas presents. We still had not exchanged gifts, but have done it on New Years morning for the past 8-9 years. Definitely worth the wait this year! As i rub my eyes open, and think to myself how achy my body is from all the entertaining the night before, like an angel, i see a gift card from Spa Finder. .. my own personal key to unlock the door of any massage place I choose! And on top of that, Cold Stone gift cards. I mean really, what could be better than a relaxing massage followed by ICE CREAM!

Thinking i must have woken up in Heaven, I thanked Steve and gave him my gifts. This year's theme, "Let me give you a gift that you can use to give me a new basement". Two saws (both of which are going back because he got one from his dad and one he already has), a demolition bar and a portable dumpster. Steve will be using it all next weekend to start demo on our basement ( a whole other story). I also added a few shirts and the other cool gift was a session for two to a Virtual Gun Range. Not sure exactly how it works, but Steve seems pretty excited about it.

Just as he finished up with his presents, he tells me that there is one more downstairs. (oh AND the night before Steve gave me a Flash for my camera - can't wait to learn how to use it). My final gift was a HOME PHOTOGRAPHY STUDIO!!!

Which brings me to my New Year's Resolution! This year I want to learn to take great pictures! I have a dream of doing this Professionally one day, so I hope this year gives me lots of self taught experience!

The rest of the day was filled with time as a family... sadly a lot of cleaning and some work to get ready for school Tuesday. We opted for a family pizza night. Even Hayden, actually i should say, especially Hayden enjoyed it!

Our New Year's Day ended with some more fun times with the boys. At bath time I surprised the boys with a GREEN BATH! Logan woke up this morning still talking about it! **Note to anyone who tries this: all i used was Green Food coloring. Use just one tiny drop. Its enough to color the water, but not enough to stain the tub, washrag or skin.

January 1 was a terrific day marked by sleeping in again until almost 10am on January 2!
Happy New Year to all.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

My Midnight Kiss! Happy New Year 2012

After a terrific night celebrating NYE in Paris, the time finally came.......
NYE isn't complete without a New Year's Kiss! And this year, while daddy snored in the background, I rang in the New Year (local time :) ), with LOGAN!

3-2-1 Happy New Year

NYE Kiss!!!

Now that's something to celebrate!

From all Logan's noises, Hayden woke up, so i used that occasion to snap a picture!