Saturday, December 15, 2012


Hayden is a little obsessed with Elmo, so when Sesame Street Live was coming to town, I JUMPED on it! With our Sunny Tickets (VIP) we got a meet-n-greet with ELMO!!!! and playtime in the Play Zone.... but it was even better! Our front row seats gave the kids lots more chance to meet ALL THE SESAME STREET FRIENDS!!!

CWP Christmas Pageant

For the second year, we were entertained and amazed by the CWP Christmas Pageant! This year Logan was a singing Blue Bird... He did arrive at school with a nice red christmas sweater, but some how cohersed  his teachers into taking it off and wearing a random t-shirt he had underneath - haha! He even got them to let me hang out on their lap the whole show :)

Playgroup Holiday Party 2012